

If a spectator is ejected, by athletic officials or administration, from any contest in which Robinson High School is a participant, the following guidelines will be applied:

First Offense – A letter will be sent to the spectator. The letter will outline expectations on attendance at our contests and will outline consequences for subsequent offenses.

Second Offense – It is the responsibility of the ejected spectator to schedule a meeting with the principal / athletic director. Upon meeting with the principal/athletic director, the spectator will be suspended from attending the next contest at that same level and any other contests in between until that suspension is served.

Third Offense – The spectator will be suspended from ALL extracurricular events until a hearing is conducted with the board of education. The spectator will be responsible to contact the superintendent to schedule that hearing. The board will render consequences following that hearing. If the behavior resulting in the ejection is determined by the administration to be so egregious that it has interfered with the safety of participants, coaches, officials, or other spectators or has interfered with the progress of the contest, the administration may suspend the spectator from attendance at all extracurricular events until a hearing is conducted with the board of education. This is in effect for four (4) years and or to be determined by the board of education. First Offense – A letter will be sent to the spectator. The letter will outline expectations on attendance at our contests and will outline consequences for subsequent offenses.