Eric Schmidt
Office: (618) 544-9510
Dispatch: (618) 546-1111
Guest Speaker
The School Resource Officer is available to speak with groups or orginaztions on various topics. Requests may be made to either the Chief of Police, the Unit #2 Superintendent, or the School Resource Officer. These speaking engagements require approval from either Chief Chad Weaver or Superintendent Josh Quick. The School Resource Officer is available to speak on any law enforcement related topics.
During the spring of 2007 an agreement was reached between the City of Robinson and Unit #2 Schools to return a Robinson Police Officer to Unit #2 Schools. There had previously been an officer assigned to the schools as a School Resource Officer. This position was held by Officer Bryan Danks for several years. The orignial program was funded through a COPS grant. The position was allowed to dissolve following the termination of grant funding.
After several years with out a School Resource Officer the school decided to re-establish the program. Superintendent Dr. Earl Williams and Police Chief Bill Ackman worked closely with the School Board and the City Council to reach an agreement. The current program guarantees funding for the position for three years. Under the agreement the Robinson Police Department assigns one of their officers to the program. In return Unit #2 reimburses the Department the costs of employing this officer including salary, clothing and equipment, and training. The Robinson Police Department assigned Officer Chad A. Weaver as School Resource Officer. Officer Weaver began his career in law enforcement in 1998 with the Crawford County Sheriff's Office. He worked there as a 911 Telecommunicator until he was hired at the Robinson Police Department in 2001. While at the Robinson Police Department, Officer Weaver received training in things such as Crime Scene Technician and Clandestine Laboratory Dismantler. Prior to the beginning of the 2007 school year Officer Weaver received specialized training as a School Resource Officer. He is certified through the National Association of School Resource Officers and is also a member of Illinois Association of School Resource Officers.
The School Resource Officer is the primary law enforcement officer for all of the schools within Unit #2. This includes Washington Elementary School, Lincoln Grade School, Nuttall Middle School, Robinson High School, and the Safe School and Optional Education programs which are housed at the Central Office. The School Resource Officer has an office in the Robinson High School. The agreement sets forth the primary duties and responsibilities of the School Resource Officer position. These include: abiding by school board policies, consulting and coordinating activities through the school principals, developing expertise in presenting various subjects, participating in individual and small group discussions about law enforcement related matters with students, faculty, and parents, refrain from functioning as a school disciplinarian, fostering support for the School Resource Officer program, be familiarized with all community agencies offering assistance to youths, develop plans and strategies with school administration to prevent and minimize dangerous situations, take any necessary law enforcement action, assist other officers in matters regarding the duties of School Resource Officers, attend after school or extracurricular activities as necessary, and participate in truancy matters. The School Resource Officer is a member of the Crawford County Truancy Review Board and actively participates in following up on truancy related matters. He is also a member of Crawford County’s Serious Habitual Offender Comprehensive Action Program which targets youths with serious criminal problems.
National Association of School Resource Officers trains their School Resource Officer to function under a “TRIAD” concept. The basic TRIAD concept reflects the philosophy of the School Resource Officer program and adheres to the following roles, teacher/guest speaker, informal counselor, and law enforcement officer. Following this philosophy, Unit #2’s School Resource Officer is available to all students, faculty, and families in any of these three roles.
- Robinson Police Department
(618) 544-2217 - Crawford County Crime Stoppers
(618) 596-STOP - Crawford County Sheriff's Office
(618) 546-1515 - Illinois Sex Offender Registry