Monday, March 17, 2025

Robinson CUSD#2 Board of Education
Monday, March 17, 2025 5:30 PM
Robinson CUSD#2 District Office
1301 North Allen Street
Robinson, IL 62454



  1. Call to Order and Pledge
    Speaker(s): Board President

  2. Roll Call and Recognition of Guests
    Speaker(s): Board President; Board Secretary

  3. Public Comments and CUTEA Comments
    1. Recognition and appreciation of Annie List--4-time State Tennis qualifier.

  4. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of Minutes
    2. Payroll and Bill List
    3. Financial Reports
    4. Attendance Reports
    5. Old Business
    6. New Business
    7. Personnel
      1. Employments
      2. Transfers
      3. Resignations
      4. Retirements
      5. Leaves of Absence
    8. Student Discipline
      1. Recommendation to uphold the decision of the hearing officer in the discipline case for Student #227067.

  5. Old Business

  6. New Business
    1. Discussion and possible approval of 1-year renewal of Food Service Management Contract.
    2. Approve school calendar amendment for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year.
    3. Discuss and approve 2025-2026 School Calendar.
    4. Discussion and possible approval of renewal of IHSA membership for Robinson High School athletics and activities for the 2025-2026 School Year.
    5. Discussion and possible approval to grant authority for Superintendent to fill the position of District Payroll/Accounts Payable Bookkeeper.
    6. Discussion regarding a date for Board of Education reorganization meeting after election results are confirmed.

  7. Closed Session

  8. Administrator Reports and Board Vision & Goals Updates
    Speaker(s): Superintendent

  9. Adjourn