6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Program


Student Training and Assessment Program

The District student assessment program provides information for determining individual student achievement and instructional needs, curriculum and instruction effectiveness, and school performance measured against District student learning objectives and statewide norms.

The Superintendent or designee shall manage the student assessment program that, at a minimum:

  1. Administers to students all standardized assessments required by the Ill. State Board of Education (ISBE) and/or any other appropriate assessment methods and instruments, including norm and criterion-referenced achievement tests, aptitude tests, proficiency tests, and teacher-developed tests.
  2. Informs students of the timelines and procedures applicable to their participation in every State assessment.
  3. Provides each student’s parents/guardians with the results or scores of each State assessment and an evaluation of the student’s progress. See policy 6:280, Grading and Promotion.
  4. Utilizes professional testing practices.

Overall student assessment data on tests required by State law will be aggregated by the District and reported, along with other information, on the District’s annual report card. All reliable assessments administered by the District and scored by entities outside of the District must be (1) reported to ISBE on its form by the 30th day of each school year, and (2) made publicly available to parents/guardians of students. Board policy 7:340, Student Records, and its implementing procedures govern recordkeeping and access issues.



20 U.S.C. §1232g, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
105 ILCS 10/, Illinois School Student Records Act.
105 ILCS 5/2-3.63, 5/2-3.64a-5, 5/2-3.64a-10, 5/2-3.64a-15, 5/2-3.107, 5/2-3.153, 5/10-17a, 5/22-82, and 5/27-1.
23 Ill. Admin. Code §§1.30(b) and 375.10.

CROSS REF.: 6:15 (School Accountability), 6:280 (Grading and Promotion), 7:340 (Student Records)


UPDATED: November 18, 2024