Robinson CUSD#2 Board of Education
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 5:30 PM Central
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 5:30 PM Central
Robinson CUSD#2 District Office
1301 North Allen Street
Robinson, IL 62454
1301 North Allen Street
Robinson, IL 62454
Dr. Mike Elliott II: Absent
Jamie Knoblett: Present
Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Present
Mr. Roston Rich: Absent
Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Present
Mr. Bill Sandiford: Present
Mr. Dan Strauch: Present
Present: 5, Absent: 2.
- Call to Order and Pledge
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. - Roll Call and Recognition of Guests
Josh Quick - Superintendent
Jason Stark - WES Principal
Kathy Bemont - LGS Principal
Craig Beals - NMS Principal
Victoria McDonald - RHS Principal
Tara Apple - RHS Athletic Director
Allison Reinoehl - School Board Secretary
Gary Oxford - CUSD#2 Bookkeeper
Randy Harrison - News Media
Resa Shaner and Roselene Quick - Crawford County Kids
Mike Shimer - City of Robinson
Nikki Westdorp - Boys & Girls Club - Consent Agenda
Motion to approve all items as presented in the consent agenda. This motion, made by Strauch
and seconded by Murphy, Carried.
Dr. Mike Elliott II: Absent, Mr. Roston Rich: Absent, Jamie Knoblett: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mr. Dan Strauch: Yea
Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2- Approval of Minutes
- Payroll and Bill List
- Financial Reports
- Attendance Reports
- New Business
- Approval of the Meadows Scholarship winners for 2023
- Approval of revisions to the RHS student handbook for the 2023-2024 school year
- Approval of the cooperative agreement with ERBA Headstart for the 2023-2024 school year
- Approval of a resolution authorizing the closing and re-establishment of revolving funds
- Personnel
- Employments
- Resignations
- Public Comments and CUTEA Comments
CUTEA - none
Public - none - Old Business
- Update on Boys and Girls Club project for Crawford County
- Update on Crawford County Kids project
- Consideration and approval of the amended FY23 budget Motion to approved the FY23 amended budget as presented. This motion, made by Murphy and seconded by Strauch, Carried.
Dr. Mike Elliott II: Absent, Mr. Roston Rich: Absent, Jamie Knoblett: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mr. Dan Strauch: Yea
Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2
- New Business
- Approval of a bid for RHS Cafeteria roof replacement
Motion to approve the bid for RHS cafeteria roof replacement from B&L Sheet Metal and Roofing and authorize the superintendent to enter a contract for the project. This motion, made by Rosborough and seconded by Knoblett, Carried.
Dr. Mike Elliott II: Absent, Mr. Roston Rich: Absent, Jamie Knoblett: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mr. Dan Strauch: Yea
Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2 - Approval of commercial insurance renewals for FY24
Motion to approve the renewal of the district's commercial insurance policies for fiscal year 24. This motion, made by Murphy and seconded by Strauch, Carried.
Dr. Mike Elliott II: Absent, Mr. Roston Rich: Absent, Jamie Knoblett: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mr. Dan Strauch: Yea
Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2 - Consideration of a resolution for the sale of district owned property
Motion to approve the resolution authorizing the sale of 9 lots owned by the district on North Howard and North Franklin Streets. This motion, made by Murphy and seconded by Knoblett, Carried.
Dr. Mike Elliott II: Absent, Mr. Roston Rich: Absent, Jamie Knoblett: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mr. Dan Strauch: Yea
Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2
- Approval of a bid for RHS Cafeteria roof replacement
- Administrator Reports and Board Vision & Goals Updates
LGS - First day of summer school today (6/20) 37 students. 3 weeks long. Library is open during summer school to do STEM activities and check out books.
WES - Summer school started the day after Memorial Day and they will finish 6/29.
NMS - Summer school ends on 6/23. Some 8th graders needed to finish completing the Constitution so they could move onto high school. Ordered intercom system and social studies books.
Athletics - turf tank has been tested on several athletic fields and it is working out well.
RHS - All positions have been filled and they are excited about that. Wesley Jackson was named offensive MVP in the All State Football Conference. Summer school is winding down and getting things set for next school year.
Superintendent - Getting ready to close out the fiscal year and working on payroll changes. Getting employment paperwork and onboarding started for new employees. Extra maintenance crews are working on buildings to get them ready for next school year.
Mike Shimer - City has been busy working on housing and mentioned there is interest in our lots for sale and thinks we will have several bidders. City would like for our lots we are selling to have things move quickly and not let it sit empty with nothing happening. - Adjourn
Motion to adjourn. This motion, made by Murphy and seconded by Knoblett, Carried.
Dr. Mike Elliott II: Absent, Mr. Roston Rich: Absent, Jamie Knoblett: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mr. Dan Strauch: Yea
Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2
The meeting adjourned at 6:10 P.M.