Monday, November 20, 2023

Robinson CUSD#2 Board of Education
Monday, November 20, 2023 5:30 PM Central
Lincoln Elementary School
301 East Poplar Street
Robinson, IL 62454


Dr. Mike Elliott II: Absent
Jamie Knoblett: Present
Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Present
Mr. Roston Rich: Present
Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Present
Mr. Bill Sandiford: Present
Mr. Dan Strauch: Present
Present: 6, Absent: 1.

  1. Call to Order and Pledge
    The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M.

  2. Roll Call and Recognition of Guests
    Josh Quick - Superintendent
    Jason Stark - WES Principal
    Kathy Bemont - LGS Principal
    Craig Beals - NMS Principal
    Bob Coffman - RHS Assistant Principal
    Jamie Rains - Special Services Director

    Allison Reinoehl - School Board Secretary
    Susan Trimble - CUSD #2 Treasurer
    Angie Elliott - CUSD#2 Bookkeeper
    Gary Oxford - CUSD#2 Bookkeeper
    Kyle Klier - Director of Instruction and Student Services
    Randy Harrison - News Media
    Sarah Hemrich and Kristine Tuel - CUTEA Representatives
    Jessica Rivera - OPAA
    Scott Burge - Farnsworth Group
    Chad Brown - Boys and Girls Club
    RHS Cross Country Team and Coaches
    Deanna Woods - FCS Teacher
    Shannon Goebel
    Barb Riggs
    Mindy Evans
    Keegan Tucker
    Andrew Flynn

  3. Consent Agenda
    Motion to approve consent agenda minus employments. This motion, made by Rich and seconded by Strauch, Carried.
    Dr. Mike Elliott II: Absent, Jamie Knoblett: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mr. Roston Rich: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mr. Dan Strauch: Yea
    Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
    1. Approval of Minutes
    2. Payroll and Bill List
    3. Financial Reports
    4. Attendance Reports
    5. New Business
      1. Approval of Board policy updates with no substantive changes
      2. First reading of policy updates
    6. Personnel
      1. Employments
        Motion to approve employments. This motion, made by Strauch and seconded by Rich, Carried.
        Dr. Mike Elliott II: Absent, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Abstain (With Conflict), Jamie Knoblett: Yea, Mr. Roston Rich: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mr. Dan Strauch: Yea
        Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 1, Abstain (With Conflict): 1
      2. Resignations
      3. Retirements
    7. Student Discipline
      1. Approval to uphold the recommendation of the hearing officer for student #227018.
      2. Approval to uphold the recommendation of the hearing officer for student #101704

  4. Public Comments and CUTEA Comments
    CUTEA Teacher Spotlight - Deanna Woods (FCS Department at RHS). Mrs. Woods works with students on the food/sewing side for the department. A ServSafe food handlers class is provided only for seniors, since you must be 18 to have this certificate. There are a lot of opportunities for students to be able to learn different methods of sewing. Candice Henton is the other teacher in the department that works with the childcare side. They do have a mechanical baby for the students to practice with, as well as an empathetic pregnancy belly for students to wear. FCCLA Club is a branch of this department. A few weeks ago, the students got together to make tie blankets to be able to donate to other organizations within the community. Foods with FCCLA is an after-school program for 5th grade students that would provide the chance to learn more about cooking. The goal is to hopefully do this once a month to allow students the ability to learn more and get a head start on cooking.
    Public comments - None
    1. Boys and Girls Club Update
    2. Recognition of 2023 Cross Country Team and Coaches

  5. Old Business
    1. Consideration of an additional athletic stipend for RHS Wrestling
      Motion to approve the addition of an additional RHS Assistant Wrestling stipend at the Group 5 Level. This motion, made by Rich and seconded by Knoblett, Carried.
      Dr. Mike Elliott II: Absent, Jamie Knoblett: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mr. Roston Rich: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mr. Dan Strauch: Yea
      Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1

  6. New Business
    1. Presentation of the preliminary 2023 tax levy report
    2. Review and approve revisions to the Risk Management Plan
      Motion to approve the revised Risk Management Plan and changing the wording of sports to extra curricular. This motion, made by Rich and seconded by Rosborough, Carried.
      Dr. Mike Elliott II: Absent, Jamie Knoblett: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mr. Roston Rich: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mr. Dan Strauch: Yea
      Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
    3. Report by Farnsworth Group on the community survey results

  7. Administrator Reports and Board Vision & Goals Updates
    WES: November 10 had a Veterans' Day program that went over well. 40 families participated in the event. The school provided breakfast, had a "Grand March" for the veterans and students, and artwork was hung up throughout the school.
    LGS: "Suessical the Musical" will be performed on December 6 and 7. On December 14 the LGS Singers and Band will have a performance.
    NMS: 8th grade wrapping up their annual fire safety unit. The 8th grade class reads "Ashes to Roses" and the fire department works with them on different parts of the project.
    RHS: Students ran a Veterans' Day program on November 10. "Chicago the Musical" will perform December 1, 2, and 3. Fine Arts night at RHS will be December 7. Winter sports kicked off at high school.

  8. Adjourn
    Motion to adjourn. This motion, made by Murphy and seconded by Knoblett, Carried.
    Dr. Mike Elliott II: Absent, Jamie Knoblett: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mr. Roston Rich: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mr. Dan Strauch: Yea
    Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
The meeting adjourned at 7:15 P.M.