Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Robinson CUSD#2 Board of Education
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 5:30 PM Central
Nuttall Middle School
400 West Rustic
Robinson, IL 62454


Dr. Mike Elliott II: Present
Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Present
Mrs. Mary Jane Parker: Absent
Mr. Roston Rich: Present
Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Present
Mr. Bill Sandiford: Present
Mrs. Amy Stone: Present
Present: 6, Absent: 1.

  1. Call to Order and Pledge
    The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M.

  2. Roll Call and Recognition of Guests
    Josh Quick - Superintendent
    Jason Stark - WES Principal
    Kathy Bemont - LGS Principal
    Craig Beals - NMS Principal
    Andy Glosser - NMS Assistant Principal
    Jamie Rains - Special Services Director

    Susan Trimble - CUSD #2 Treasurer
    Gary Oxford - CUSD#2 Bookkeeper
    Allison Reinoehl - Board Secretary
    Randy Harrison - News Media
    Kristine Tuel - CUTEA Representative
    Scott Albright
    Chad Brown
    Nikki Westdorp
    Heather Beard
    Dan Strauch
    Scott and Jenna - Farnsworth Group

  3. Consent Agenda
    Motion to approve all items as presented in the consent agenda. This motion, made by Murphy and seconded by Stone, Carried.
    Mrs. Mary Jane Parker: Absent, Dr. Mike Elliott II: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mr. Roston Rich: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mrs. Amy Stone: Yea
    Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
    1. Approval of Minutes
    2. Payroll and Bill List
    3. Financial Reports
    4. Attendance Reports
    5. Personnel
      1. Employments
      2. Resignations
      3. Leaves of Absence

  4. Public Comments and CUTEA Comments
    CUTEA - No comments
    Public Comments - Chad Brown stated he appreciates all that the school board does for our community.

  5. New Business
    1. Presentation by Boys and Girls Club
    2. Discussion of CTE Internship Coordination
    3. Discussion of vacancy on the Board of Education
      Motion to acknowledge the vacancy on the Board of Education due to the change in residence of a Board Member. This motion, made by Rich and seconded by Rosborough, Carried. Mrs. Mary Jane Parker: Absent, Dr. Mike Elliott II: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mr. Roston Rich: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mrs. Amy Stone: Yea
      Yea: 6, Nay: 0, Absent: 1
    4. Discussion of Budget Planning Process for FY24

  6. Closed Session
    VI.a. Discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body…[5ILCS120/2.(c) 1]
    Motion to enter closed session. This motion, made by Murphy and seconded by Stone, Carried.
    Mrs. Mary Jane Parker: Absent, Mr. Roston Rich: Absent, Dr. Mike Elliott II: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mrs. Amy Stone: Yea
    Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2
    Motion to enter open session. This motion, made by Rosborough and seconded by Murphy, Carried.
    Mrs. Mary Jane Parker: Absent, Mr. Roston Rich: Absent, Dr. Mike Elliott II: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mrs. Amy Stone: Yea
    Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2

  7. Administrator Reports and Board Vision & Goals Updates
    Planning for preschool screenings scheduled in April

    After school hockey has been a big success. Parents now able to come watch in person and have been very supportive of the activity.

    8th grade Recognition Night for boys basketball players and cheerleaders was a great night.
    Volleyball season and Scholastic Bowl has now started as well.

    Not present

    Superintendent's Report:
    Wanted to thank the staff for coming back after the break with enthusiasm for our students.
    Gave a shout out to the secretaries for being there for students and staff needs throughout the day.
    Wanted to thank Janelle Oxford for making contact with Lade Akande for January SIP Day.
    Wanted to thank LGS staff for volunteering for after school hockey.
    Wanted to thank Linda Garrett for the email "shout out" she does each week and the positivity it spreads.
    Congratulated RHS Band on the success of the Memphis Bowl trip.
    Congratulations to the students that were nominated for Illinois State Scholars and Steve Jenkins for being highlighted as an IHSA Teacher Spotlight.

    Window film project should be finishing up the last week of January.
    Visitor procedures have been updated after working with secretaries and SROs at each school.

  8. Adjourn
    Motion to adjourn. This motion, made by Murphy and seconded by Stone, Carried.
    Mrs. Mary Jane Parker: Absent, Mr. Roston Rich: Absent, Dr. Mike Elliott II: Yea, Mrs. Veronica Murphy: Yea, Mrs. Janette Rosborough: Yea, Mr. Bill Sandiford: Yea, Mrs. Amy Stone: Yea
    Yea: 5, Nay: 0, Absent: 2
    The meeting adjourned at 8:34 P.M.