Monday, May 20, 2024


May 20, 2024

The following action was taken at Monday night’s Board of Education meeting:

  • Consideration and approval of Food Service Management Contract for FY25
  • Consideration and approval of a contact with CUTEA for 2024-2027
  • Approval to post amended budget and schedule budget hearing prior to June Board meeting
  • Consideration and approval to adopt the resolution setting forth and describing in detail claims heretofore authorized and allowed for proper school purposes which are presently outstanding and unpaid, declaring the intention to issue $13,500,000 bonds for the purpose of paying claims against Community Unit School District Number 2, Crawford County, Illinois, and directing that notice of such intention be published as provided by law.
  • Directed Board President to negotiate Superintendent contract
  • Directed Board President to negotiate Assistant Superintendent contract



  • Gary Kapper – Summer Behind the Wheel Driver Education
  • Brooke Ray – Summer Behind the Wheel Driver Education
  • Mike Billingsly – Summer Behind the Wheel Driver Education
  • Jason Hartke – Summer Behind the Wheel Driver Education
  • Marissa Newlin – Third Grade Teacher
  • Eric Dean – NMS Summer School
  • Tiffany Musselwhite – NMS Summer School
  • James Goens – NMS Summer Custodial Help
  • Tiffany Petersen – NMS Summer Custodial Help
  • Tarita Siler – LGS Summer School
  • Stephanie Dean – LGS Summer School
  • Monna Pinkston – LGS Summer School
  • Kristine Tuel – LGS Summer School
  • Michelle Pinkston – LGS Summer School
  • Tina Shipman – LGS Summer School
  • Brady Thompson – LGS Summer School
  • Beth Rynke – WES Summer School
  • Abby Chipman – WES Summer School
  • Libbi Fearday – WES Summer School
  • Charity Clark – WES Summer School
  • Courtney Hoalt – WES Summer School
  • Gina Sinclair – WES Summer School
  • Laura Gallion – WES Summer School
  • Ciarah Hetzler – WES Summer School
  • Brandie Maxwell – WES Summer School
  • Teresa Gower – WES Summer School
  • Holly Gallagher – WES Summer School
  • Paige Dill – RHS Summer School
  • Brittany Sanchez – RHS Summer School
  • Tracy Weger – RHS Summer School
  • Kristin Johnston – Summer Paint Crew
  • Mary Carter – Summer Paint Crew
  • Ruth Fiscus – Summer Paint Crew
  • Hannah Waggoner – Summer Paint Crew
  • Natalia Prendergast – Summer Paint Crew
  • Sonia Albright – RHS Summer Custodial Help
  • Jessica Stout – WES Summer Custodial Help
  • Scott Albright – Summer District Mowing


  • Keegan Tucker – Intro to Teaching Course at RHS (1 period)
  • Brittany Russell – 7 th Grade Science
  • Tracy Stratton – LGS Evening Custodian


  • Holly Gallagher (RHS Educators Rising Club Co-Sponsor) effective end of 23-24 SY
  • William Aten (RHS Evening Custodian) effective 04/23/2024
  • Nick Straka (RHS Assistant Football Coach) effective 04/29/2024
  • Rob Roberts (Special Education Paraprofessional) effective 05/01/2024
  • Michael Johnson (Special Education Paraprofessional) effective end of 23-24 SY
  • Tamiko Dallmier (PE Paraprofessional) effective end of 23-24 SY
  • Waneita McCormick (Lunch Supervisor) effective end of 23-24 SY
  • Michael Elliott (Volunteer RHS Basketball) effective 05/20/2024
The next regular School Board Meeting will be Monday, June 24, 2024 at 5:30pm at the Central Office.